Why lighting and design is so important for exhibitions

Trade shows and exhibitions are full to the brim with exhibitors selling their products and/or service. Everyone is usually there for the same purpose, so it’s important to make sure your exhibition stand really stands apart from the crowd. Therefore, your exhibition stand design is of utmost importance. There are so many elements to an exhibition stand and the design is the key that brings it all together. Akin to design is lighting; to make your product or service truly shine, you mustn’t forget lighting. It’s a pivotal tool to highlight your business.

We’ve pulled together some key reasons why lighting and design is so important for exhibitions:

Agree your core goals

Before you can begin on your design, you must first agree what you are hoping to achieve from the event. What message are you trying to convey? What are you core values? Without agreeing these principal steps and ensuring they are clearly visible within your stand design; your stand will simply lose itself and your time and money will have been wasted.

Use your space wisely

Space is usually limited at these types of events, but you want to make sure you use every inch available to you. Including height as well as width. Make sure you check with the organisers of the dimensions so you know what exactly you have to work with. Keep meeting areas towards the back of the stand and ensure they are no barriers or obstructions to put people off entering or prevent them from moving freely.

Careful consideration of lighting

Lighting can enhance the aesthetic appeal of anything, providing it is used correctly. Don’t just rely on the lighting supplied by the venue; give serious thought to what you are promoting and how lighting can help promote it better. Spot lights, up lights, coloured lights – these are all ideal to highlight key areas or products within the stand.

Graphics are a must

With the amount of traffic passing through the exhibition halls, you need to have something to attract peoples’ attention in an instant. Graphics are still the best way to achieve this. They can help to communicate a message much faster than any text can. Give serious consideration to placement to ensure they are seen far and wide within the exhibition hall. This will most likely be the first thing they see and entice them onto your stand to find out more.  

Keep text short and sweet

When it comes to exhibitions, less text is definitely more. If you can get the same message across with one word as you can with a whole sentence, do it! No one has the time to stop and read a lengthy text in these places. If you have a slogan, make sure it is one people will remember after the event. And for typeface used, ensure it is clear and large enough to be seen and read from a distance.

Focus on your target audience

As with agreeing your goals before designing your stand, you must also make sure you give thought and focus to your target audience. By knowing who you are talking to and who you are aiming your stand towards, you can ensure you produce something that speaks to their wants and needs to get your message across.

Parkes Print can help 

Designing a distinctive exhibition stand to ensure your business stands apart from the crowd is no easy feat. You want to build a complete atmosphere within your stand through lighting, materials, colour, graphics and layout to help identify your target audience and correctly promote your product and/or service. Exhibition stand design cannot be overlooked if you want to achieve something truly memorable and attractive to the crowd. 

If you’re looking for help with your next exhibition stand design, look no further than Parkes Print. Let us know about your event and we’ll design an exhibition stand which meets your requirements. From portable exhibition stands, to shell scheme wall graphics, through to complete end-to-end exhibition stand design, our experienced design team can help you prepare for your exhibition down to the finest detail, ensuring that your stand supports your marketing goals.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, call us on 01767 603930 or fill out an enquiry form.