Pros and Cons Of Using iPads at Exhibitions

Thankfully, in-person events such as trade shows are back in full swing after the pandemic and its after-effects. However, things have moved forward and in recent years, many exhibitors have embraced new and more tech-savvy ways of connecting with and engaging attendees. These include integrating modern technology into their trade show exhibition stands – and with good reason – they can make a significant impact. One of the popular devices that many exhibitors consider is the iPad. Below, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of using an iPad at your trade show booth.

The Pros

Engagement without Pressure

iPads can be used to showcase interactive product demonstrations, allowing potential customers to engage directly with your offerings. iPads appeal to people who want to peruse at their leisure, without the pressure of discussing anything immediately. Visitors to your stand can quickly access product information, videos, and brochures on the iPad, providing a rich multimedia experience.

A Modern and Professional Presentation

iPads have a sleek design that will help create a contemporary and current feel for your booth, enhancing the overall aesthetic and potentially appealing to people who are interested in tech. iPads come with a variety of positioning options too. Whether mounted on iPad stands, held by staff, or placed on counters, iPads can be used in various ways to suit your display needs.

Capturing Data with Ease

With the right apps, iPads are incredibly useful for collecting visitor information efficiently. One of the challenges many exhibitors face during a trade show is asking people to share their details for lead generation so an iPad can make following up after the event much easier. Additionally, you can gather instant feedback from attendees through surveys, helping you improve future exhibitions.

Use your Print Budget Elsewhere

Although investing in tech can carry an initially large outlay, using digital brochures and catalogues on an iPad, means you can save on printing costs and reduce paper waste over time. iPads are a reusable resource and can be used across multiple events and if looked after well, will last for many years. They can also be recycled or traded in when their life cycle comes to an end.

Connectivity at the Touch of a Button

With internet access, you can provide visitors to your stand with real-time updates on stock availability, new product launches, or anything else that can change quickly in your business. Attendees can be encouraged to follow your social media pages or participate in live social media feeds directly from the iPad, which is becoming more popular during trade shows today.

The Cons

Financial Constraints

As we touched upon above, the initial cost of purchasing multiple iPads can be high, especially for smaller businesses with limited budgets. Even with a payment plan, they can prove to be a financial risk for some businesses, particularly those just starting out.

Security Concerns

The high-value price tag of iPads makes them attractive targets for theft. They are also susceptible to damage if not handled or transported properly. In addition to the hardware risk, ensuring the security of sensitive customer information collected on an iPad is crucial to avoid data breaches.

Technical and Accessibility Issues

It’s important to remember that not all visitors may be comfortable or able to use touchscreens, potentially alienating a segment of your audience so having alternatives is still essential to avoid this happening.

Many iPad functionalities rely on a stable internet connection, which might not always be reliable at trade show venues. And like any tech device, iPads can experience software issues, crashes, or require updates at inconvenient times.

Human Interactions and Challenges

You will need to ensure that all your staff members are proficient in using the iPad and the relevant apps so this may require additional training and time out of your budget.

An over-reliance on technology can sometimes detract from personal interactions, which are crucial for building relationships and trust; some visitors may prefer traditional methods of information exchange.

Parkes Print and Design – Exhibition Stand Know How

Maximise the benefits of an iPad stand at your trade show booth by researching them properly, weighing up these pros and cons carefully and developing strategies to mitigate the potential drawbacks. With the right approach, an iPad can be a powerful tool to enhance your trade show presence and leave a lasting impression on attendees. Get in touch with us for expert advice about your stand design.